DSD News

Six important things to know about what happened at the first Orofacial Meeting

Written by Digital Smile Design | Jun 25, 2019 1:24:38 PM

Here at DSD we are driven by innovation. We thrive on creating new ways of doing things and this starts by looking at problems in a different way. One example is when we asked the question: why don’t smile designers and plastic surgeons collaborate on cases?’

The answer led us to...

Establishing the world’s first symposium to bring together plastic surgeons and dentists: the Orofacial Club.

On June 14-15, in Miami, experts in plastic surgery participated alongside respected dentists and orthognathic surgeons to discuss the intersections of their professions and how to improve patient outcomes. The aim of the event was to create solutions together that connect the face with the smile and enabled professionals to start conversations about how to integrate teams for innovative treatment planning to ensure a cohesive and global diagnosis and treatment.

For the lucky few who were able to be a part of this event, we thank you for joining us to make history and we welcome you to the next phase of world-changing dentistry...watch this space! For all those who missed out this time, we wanted to fill you in on what happened at this prestigious event!



Don’t want to miss any future OROFACIAL CLUB updates? Sign up to receive news about the Orofacial Club, and be the first to know about the next meeting dates.



When disciplines converge

Across two days filled with discussion, connection, networking, laughter and sharing of excellent practice, our attendees were able:

  • To be educated, inspired and challenged by world class speakers across two days of lectures
  • To fully understand the whole face for the first time
  • To learn how the smile affects the face and vice versa
  • To expand our knowledge of dentistry beyond the oral cavity
  • To engage in conversations with plastic surgeons about the future of working together
  • To advance their business and horizons
  • To be a part of a new face of dentistry



6 Important Takeaways from the Orofacial Club

We asked some of our world leading speakers and professionals to try to sum up why the Orofacial Club was important. Here are six important things you need to know about what happened at this inaugural Orofacial Club Meeting in Miami:


         1. It was “the start of the plastic surgery and dental collaboration revolution”

Dr Kyle Stanley, Beverly Hills, California, a leading opinion leader in DSD, said:

The Orofacial Club Meeting was a dream for me to see plastic surgeons, dentists, orthodontists, and orthognathic surgeons together in the same room treatment planning and figuring out ways to enhance our collaborations.

The respected leaders from their fields showcased their techniques and philosophies in a humble, fully interactive way. With no egos in the room, the teaching and learning environment was amazing! People will remember this weekend as the start of the plastic surgery and dental collaboration revolution for decades to come!”



2. Coming together to learn from one another

Dr Rick Roblee, DDS, has a private dental clinic in Arkansas, USA, is a specialist in esthetic and restorative dentistry and the President of the American Academy of Esthetic Dentistry.

He explains why the Orofacial Club is important:

“We really don't understand what we can do to help each other help the patients, so I think this is a great environment.”

This was echoed by Dr Jeff Spiegel, a widely respected and published plastic surgeon, listed as one of the top fifteen most influential plastic surgeons in the world, with over twenty years of experience specialising in all aspects of facial surgery, who simply said:

“Coming at things from a different perspective... we get it right.


3. Sharing a vision of the future

Dr Bill Robbins, a leading restorative dentist with over 40 years clinical experience, from San Antonio, Texas, USA, says:

“I have been attending continuing education courses for 45 years, and this was the most unique CE experience in my career. As I ponder the two days, I am amazed that this is the first time, to my knowledge, that there was an actual collaboration between restorative dentists, oral and maxillofacial surgeons and plastic surgeons.

"Of course, the power for most of us was the ability to listen to plastic surgeons and to communicate with them as professional equals. I believe that the plastic surgeons were introduced to a side of facial esthetics that had never entered their minds. We all left the meeting enriched and inspired.

"I can’t wait for next Orofacial Club Meeting in 2020.”

Dr Onir Spiegel echoes this. An experienced and highly regarded facial aesthetic plastic surgeon, Dr Spiegel also has a background in dentistry - having completed two doctorates. Dr Spiegel explains:

“The whole idea of integrating the two fields is where the future is at.”


4. “Sharing knowledge, working together and collaborating for global improvement”

Dr Javier Gutierrez, part of the facial team at HC Marbella, and a specialist in oral and maxillofacial surgery, says:

“To have dentists and facial aesthetic surgeons lecturing at the same congress is not a new thing. The thing is having them sharing knowledge, working together and collaborating for global improvement. I had never seen so many talented professionals in the same room, at the same level. Understanding the smile is the only way you can create beautiful faces. Understanding the face is the only way you can design beautiful smiles. This is what I learnt. They are inseparable concepts.”


Dr William Arnett, DDS, FACD, is a leading voice in the field of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, with over 40 years of specialist private practice, highlights:

“The initiative is geared toward excellent care”.


Whilst Dr Ben Talei, MD, a specialist in facial plastic and reconstructive surgery, and a leading author and thought leader, explains why this joined up working works:

“My patients have been getting better results and now we're trying to get better results for the rest of the world.”


5. “The hottest ticket in town for decades to come”

Dr Hemali Ajmera, FACD, DDS, is a highly skilled general and cosmetic dentist serving patients from all over the Tri-State Area, New York, USA, and says:

“Orofacial Club was a star studded cast of doctors that was brilliant and sophisticated. The need for this meeting of the minds has been long overdue, the energy in the room was powerful and revolutionary. Christian Coachman deserves a standing ovation for this two day rockstar conference! It was about education but it was also about his passion for wholesome patient management, the love for the art of dentistry and the respect for delivering a new standard of care.



"Orofacial Club, you had me at hello. The hottest ticket in town for decades to come, ceilings that needed to be shattered finally are. Coachman has left us wanting for more, I speak for the entire room when I say we can’t wait to see what you have in store for next year.”



6. "Everything truly is connected”

Paul Vigario is the founder and president of SurfCT.com, The Dental Information Technology Company, sums it up by saying the event made history:

“It’s the first time that the medical world and the cosmetic world of dentistry came together to talk about the face. We know that everything truly is connected and by bringing these two worlds together, everyone benefits. The doctors benefit, the patients benefit, the healthcare world benefits.

It was truly history being made and by the reaction of everybody there, it’s going to be the first of many. And the first of a new face of healthcare, of dentistry, of plastic surgery. Everybody coming together for what’s best for the overall health of the patient. Ultimately it’s the way it should be - everything is connected.”




If you want to take a closer look at each day of the event, watch here to get a taste of what happened and what the participants said about it...


Day One Summary:




Day Two Summary:





Don’t want to miss any future OROFACIAL CLUB updates?

If you’re a plastic surgeon or a dentist with an interest in the orofacial arena, sign up to receive news about the Orofacial Club, and be the first to know about the next meeting dates.